Lists of Christian Clubs

Many universities have an unorganized and/or incomplete list of the Christian clubs at their respective institution. Here, we attempt to compile an organized list of the active Christian organizations at each school, along with links to their websites and social media accounts. The list is continually being updated.

Private Schools:

Brown University

California Institute of Technology

Columbia University

Cornell University

Dartmouth College

Duke University

Emory University (under construction)

Georgetown University

Harvard University

Johns Hopkins University

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Northwestern University

Princeton University

Stanford University

University of Chicago

University of Notre Dame

University of Pennsylvania

University of Southern California

Vanderbilt University (under construction)

Yale University

Public Schools:

University of California, Berkeley

University of California, Los Angeles

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

University of Virginia

Service Academies:

U.S. Air Force Academy

U.S. Coast Guard Academy

U.S. Military Academy West Point

U.S. Merchant Marine Academy

U.S. Naval Academy